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The Palestinian Liberation Movement: A Tool for Marxist Undermining of American Democracy

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Daniel Sadan
The Palestinian liberation movement's alignment with various progressive causes, such as LGBTQIA+ rights and Black Lives Matter (BLM), reveals a deeper, more concerning agenda that echoes the Soviet Union's Cold War strategy of "liberating" developing nations (read "regime change"). By leveraging intersectionality, these movements aim not just for social justice but for the destabilization and dismantling of Western democratic institutions, following a Marxist blueprint for revolution.
“Literally, you’re not doing this for, like, what the actual conversation is, which is getting rid of this country, getting rid of this country, getting rid of America, getting rid of the West. This is what this [pro-Palestinian protest] is for.”

In a recent video posted by the Instagram account "No Cap on God" (@nocapongodfr), a former journalist makes a striking admission that highlights a growing concern in the political landscape. The individual unabashedly states that the true motive behind their participation in a pro-Palestinian protest is to "get rid of America" and the West. This declaration underscores a disturbing trend where the Palestinian liberation movement intersects with various unrelated progressive causes, such as LGBTQIA+ rights and Black Lives Matter (BLM), all of which are being exploited by Marxists to destabilize American democracy.

Here is the video transcript

Activist: You’re over here appropriating a space for your own personality.
Interviewer: I'm a journalist.
Activist: You’re not a journalist.
Interviewer: How do you decide who's a journalist?
Activist: I mean, considering I was fired as a journalist. You’re no journalist. You’re a person that’s obsessed with your personality. Literally, you’re not doing this for like what the actual conversation is, which is getting rid of this country, getting rid of this country, getting rid of America, getting rid of the West. This is what this [pro-Palestinian protest] is for.
Interviewer: You want to get rid of America?
Activist: Yes, everyone here understands that at some level we need to get rid of America completely.
Interviewer: What should we do?
Activist: Decolonization. Land back.
Interviewer: Where should we go, though?
Activist: In our communities. We need to go. Leave the capitals. Leave the central capitals of commerce, of capital itself.

The Broader Implications

This explicit statement reveals a radical agenda that goes beyond advocating for Palestinian rights. It exposes an underlying objective to dismantle the very foundations of Western society. The notion of "decolonization" as mentioned in the video, suggests an exodus from urban centers of commerce and capitalism to rural communities, aligning with a Marxist vision of society. This rhetoric is not isolated but is part of a broader strategy employed by various leftist movements.

Palestinian Liberation and Soviet Cold War Strategies: Parallels in Revolutionary Tactics

The Palestinian liberation movement’s contemporary alignment with various progressive causes and its broader radical objectives bears a striking resemblance to Soviet strategies during the Cold War. The Soviet Union’s approach to "liberating" developing nations was rooted in a desire to overthrow existing governments and install communist regimes loyal to Moscow. This strategy, aimed at expanding Soviet influence globally, involved exploiting local grievances and social movements to foment revolution and destabilize pro-Western governments.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union actively supported liberation movements in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, portraying itself as a champion of anti-colonialism and social justice. This support was not purely altruistic but a calculated effort to undermine Western influence and expand the communist bloc. By providing arms, training, and financial aid to revolutionary groups, the Soviets sought to create a network of client states that would adhere to Marxist-Leninist principles and align with Soviet geopolitical interests.

Similarly, the Palestinian liberation movement today leverages intersectionality with unrelated progressive causes to build a coalition aimed at destabilizing the West. This modern tactic mirrors the Soviet method of exploiting local struggles to serve a broader ideological and geopolitical agenda. The rhetoric of "decolonization" and anti-imperialism used by Palestinian activists resonates with the Soviet-era propaganda that framed communism as a path to true independence and social justice for oppressed peoples.

The Soviet Union’s strategy involved not just military support but also extensive propaganda efforts to win the hearts and minds of people in developing countries. This propaganda emphasized themes of liberation, equality, and anti-imperialism, seeking to align local movements with the global communist cause. Today, the language of intersectionality and social justice used by the Palestinian liberation movement serves a similar purpose, rallying diverse groups around a common cause that ultimately aims to challenge and dismantle Western democratic structures.

In essence, the Palestinian liberation movement’s current strategies reflect a continuation of the Soviet playbook. By aligning with various social justice causes and promoting a radical agenda under the guise of liberation, these movements seek to undermine the established order, echoing the Cold War-era tactics used by the Soviet Union to spread communism and weaken Western influence.

Intersectionality as a Marxist Strategy

The intersectionality seen in today's progressive movements often serves as a conduit for Marxist ideologies. By aligning the Palestinian liberation movement with causes like LGBTQIA+ rights, BLM, and other progressive issues, activists create a coalition that ostensibly fights for "social justice". However, the underlying aim, as evidenced by the video, is to destabilize and ultimately dismantle American democratic institutions and capitalist structures.

While LGBTQIA+ rights, racial equality, and other progressive causes are noble and necessary in their own right, their co-optation by Marxist agendas is problematic. These causes are being leveraged to foster division and unrest, undermining the social cohesion and stability of American society. The tactic is to use legitimate grievances as a means to an end - the end being the collapse of the current political and economic system.

Fatima Mohammed’s CUNY Speech: A Case Study in Intersectional Exploitation

Recall Fatima Mohammed’s commencement speech at the City University of New York (CUNY) Law School in 2023, which has drawn significant attention and controversy due to its sharp criticism of American and Western institutions. Her speech serves as a vivid illustration of how intersectionality can be harnessed to propagate a radical agenda under the guise of social justice.

In her speech, which was supposed to celebrate a momentous occasion in her classmates' and her own life, Mohammed instead chose to accuse the United States and its various democratic institutions of numerous perceived injustices, highlighting the country’s support for Israel and its treatment of marginalized communities as her main argument. She described Israel as engaging in “settler colonialism,” accusing it of indiscriminately bombing worshippers, murdering civilians, and imprisoning children, mirroring the same themes written in Mahmoud Abbas’ doctoral dissertation from the 1980's, which was written at Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University in the Soviet Union. Coincidence? Maybe. She also condemned the U.S. for training Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and collaborating with the New York Police Department (NYPD), which she described as "fascist".

Moreover, Mohammed connected the Palestinian struggle to other social justice issues, criticizing capitalism, imperialism, and systemic racism, again mirroring the very same language that was used by the Soviets to "fight anti-Soviet and anti-communist activities of international Zionism". Please see Izabella Tabarovsky's article about Abbas in Tablet Magazine. Mohammed mentioned the murder of Black men, both in the U.S. and internationally, and linked these incidents to a broader narrative of state-sponsored oppression. By drawing these connections, she sought to unify various progressive movements under a common cause against what she portrayed as imperialist and capitalist oppressors​. In essence, Mohammed’s speech uses the platform of intersectionality to challenge and undermine Western democratic institutions, advocating for a radical transformation of society.

The calculated nature of Mohammed’s attacks on the U.S. and Israel exemplifies how intersectionality can be weaponized to further a broader radical agenda. By aligning diverse causes and grievances, she attempts to build a coalition capable of challenging the status quo, reflecting a strategy that has historical roots in Soviet-era tactics. This case highlights the ongoing relevance and potential dangers of such rhetorical strategies in contemporary political discourse.

The Dangers of Unchecked Radicalism

The video serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by unchecked radicalism within social movements. It calls into question the true intentions of those leading these movements and the potential consequences of their ideologies. The conflation of Palestinian liberation with the destruction of America reveals a sinister exploitation of genuine social justice causes for radical political ends.

The intersectionality of the Palestinian liberation movement with unrelated progressive causes is not merely a coincidence but a calculated strategy to undermine American democracy. By appropriating these causes, Marxist elements seek to destabilize the West, promoting a radical agenda that threatens the very fabric of society. It is our duty to remain vigilant and discerning about the true motives behind these movements to safeguard our democratic values and institutions, because they are at present being actively targeted by multiple countries and organizations with one goal in mind: dismantle the West, and end the American way of life.

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Daniel Sadan is an American businessman and President of Sadan Global in Gaithersburg, MD. Daniel's current ventures include a major international sports deal, and the development of two TV series, one being a sports documentary, and the other an epic new project with comparables such as "Game of Thrones," "Homeland," and "The Last Samurai". Daniel brings a unique blend of strategic insight and cultural awareness to his projects, as well as a clear vision, creativity, and discipline.

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