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Post-Modernist Catastrophe: The Progressive Descent into Faux Progress

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Daniel Sadan
In recent times, the left has embarked on a perilous journey, embracing subjective interpretations of reality and redefining progress in ways that often defy logic. This shift has led to a landscape where objective truths are disregarded, and dissenting voices are silenced under the guise of kindness and empathy. The implications of this trend are profound, raising concerns about the stability of democratic institutions and the true nature of progress.
"By causing people to lose touch with reality, the KGB fostered an environment where nobody could reliably know what was happening. In the absence of objective reality, society collapses, and people lose faith in democratic institutions."

In recent discussions, Bill Maher has shed light on a troubling trend within the left: a post-modernist catastrophe that is redefining reality, morality, and common sense. This shift is not just about fringe ideas; it signals a fundamental sea change in how the left perceives progress, rights, and governance.

The Trap of Post-Modernism

Post-modernism, with its core emphasis on relativism, has led the left to dismiss objective truths as mere social constructs. Philosopher Richard Rorty, a prominent figure in post-modernist thought, famously argued that truth is not discovered but made, highlighting the shift away from objective reality. This philosophical stance undermines the very foundation of reason and shared reality. When everything is subjective, there’s no room for common sense, and any idea, no matter how impractical, can be justified. The consequences of this mindset are far-reaching, impacting policies and societal norms in ways that defy logic and practical application.

The left’s adoption of subjective morality means that concepts of “right” and “just” are constantly shifting based on personal perspectives and social trends. This fluidity allows for the endorsement of extreme ideas, such as abolishing the police or redefining gender norms in ways that defy biological and social realities. Legal scholar and philosopher Stanley Fish has discussed how the left’s moral relativism can lead to a rejection of universal principles, causing justice to become erratic and unpredictable, leading to societal confusion and unrest.

Faux Progress and Infringement on Rights

In their quest for progress, the left often champions causes that sound virtuous but lead to unintended consequences. For example, promoting inclusivity in ways that compromise the safety and privacy of others, such as allowing biological males in women’s spaces, is not genuine progress. Scholar Heather Mac Donald has critiqued this approach, arguing that such policies often create new problems while solving none, infringing on individual rights under the guise of equality. This approach undermines true progress and alienates those who value common sense and practicality.

As the left dives deeper into this post-modernist abyss, many Democrats are finding themselves alienated and disillusioned. They are leaving in droves, unable to reconcile their values with a movement that has lost touch with reality. Journalist Bari Weiss has highlighted this exodus, noting how many liberals feel abandoned by a left that no longer reflects their values. This exodus reflects a broader rejection of the left’s radical departure from practical governance and common sense, highlighting the need for a return to balanced and objective approaches.

Kindness and Empathy as Tools of Coercion

Another critical aspect of this trend is the use of kindness and empathy as tools of coercion. In contemporary discourse, these virtues are often weaponized to silence dissenting opinions and paint any opposition as inherently evil. Sociologist Frank Furedi has written extensively on how the culture of fear and moral bullying silences debate and stifles intellectual diversity. By monopolizing the moral high ground, proponents of extreme ideas can dismiss legitimate concerns and criticisms as manifestations of bigotry or hatred.

Historical Parallels: The KGB’s Tactics

This strategy is not new. The KGB used similar tactics in many countries to destabilize governments and pave the way for Marxist revolutions. Historian Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB informant, detailed how psychological warfare and disinformation campaigns were used to erode societal norms and trust in democratic institutions. By causing people to lose touch with reality, the KGB fostered an environment where nobody could reliably know what was happening. In the absence of objective reality, society collapses, and people lose faith in democratic institutions. This erosion of trust makes societies vulnerable to authoritarian takeovers, as individuals become disoriented and desperate for stability, even if it comes at the cost of their freedoms.

A Call for Real Progress

True progress requires a balance between idealism and practicality, with a commitment to common sense and an understanding that not all change is beneficial. The left must recognize the importance of objective truths and stable moral frameworks to create lasting, meaningful improvements in society. Political scientist James Q. Wilson emphasized the importance of moral sense and the need for stable ethical principles to guide societal progress. By abandoning the post-modernist experiment and returning to principles that foster real progress and protect individual rights, the left can hope to regain the trust and support of the broader public.

Bill Maher’s critique is a wake-up call. It’s time for the left to abandon the post-modernist catastrophe and its attendant subjective morality, faux progress, and coercive tactics. By returning to a foundation of common sense, objective reality, and genuine empathy, society can move towards real progress that respects individual rights and promotes practical solutions to our most pressing issues.

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Daniel Sadan is an American businessman and President of Sadan Global in Gaithersburg, MD. Daniel's current ventures include a major international sports deal, and the development of two TV series, one being a sports documentary, and the other an epic new project with comparables such as "Game of Thrones," "Homeland," and "The Last Samurai". Daniel brings a unique blend of strategic insight and cultural awareness to his projects, as well as a clear vision, creativity, and discipline.

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