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France's President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech during the closing session of the 19th Summit of the Francophonie at the Grand Palais in Paris, on Saturday.Credit: Ludovic Marin/AFP
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Macron’s Hypocrisy: Arming Repressive Regimes While Lecturing Israel

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Daniel Sadan
Emmanuel Macron, the great moralist of our time—except when morals inconvenience his political posturing. His recent comments on Israel’s operations in Gaza and Lebanon are nothing short of a masterclass in hypocrisy, a lesson on how to turn a blind eye to terrorism while lecturing a sovereign nation on self-defense. Let’s take a closer look at the laughable facade of righteousness that Macron so desperately clings to.
"If hypocrisy were an Olympic sport, Macron would take home the gold​."

First, Macron criticizes Israel for defending itself, crying about a "humanitarian truce" as if that’s going to stop Hamas from firing rockets. Brilliant, Emmanuel. So what’s the plan? Does Macron think that if Israel stops defending itself, Hamas and Hezbollah will suddenly decide they’ve had enough violence? Does he imagine a world where Iran’s Quds Force will sit around a campfire and sing songs of peace? Macron’s delusions would be amusing if they weren’t so dangerous. The Middle East is one of the most dangerous regions in the world, and the only way to survive there is by creating a deterrence sufficient to stop one's enemies from ever dreaming of attacking one's country.

This is the same Macron who has remained conspicuously silent when Hamas has fired tens of thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. Where was his humanitarian outrage when Iranian-backed terrorists rained down destruction on Israel? Oh, that’s right—he was preemptively busy calling for Israel to stop defending itself. Apparently, Macron’s version of peace involves Israel allowing itself to be bombed into oblivion while Europe watches from the sidelines, offering nothing but half-hearted condemnations. When radical Islamist terrorists attack Israel, Macron is okay with that, but if Israel dares to retaliate, the young French dilettante is up in arms against the Jewish State calling for an immediate ceasefire lest the Jews, heaven forbid, kill any dangerous terrorists.

Let’s not forget Macron’s grand suggestion: stop arms deliveries to Israel. Really, Emmanuel? You think it’s a good idea to disarm the one democracy in the Middle East that’s fighting for its very existence against a coalition of jihadist terrorist groups who are the only thing standing between France and a savage death cult in the Middle East? Even if it serves his purpose of ridding himself of the Jews, what about the ramifications for France, a country that is already being overrun by jihadist extremists.

That’s the kind of genius thinking that only a man sitting in a palace far removed from the realities of war could come up with. Israel, unlike France, doesn’t have the luxury of lecturing the world about how to deal with terrorists from a position of safety. It’s been too busy defending itself from existential threats since the time it was founded. Macron’s solution?... Let Israel stand naked before its enemies while he clutches his pearls in Paris​.

Macron has the nerve to talk about “hatred” being fueled by Israel’s actions, as though this ancient hatred for Jews hasn’t been the driving force behind Arab and Christian violence against the Jews for millennia. No, Emmanuel, Israel’s defensive measures don’t fuel hatred. It’s the hatred of Israel and Jews that fuels the violence in the first place.

That’s an inconvenient truth for Macron, who prefers to believe that if Israel just stopped retaliating, the Middle East would turn into some kind of peaceful utopia. Does he even realize how absurd he sounds? He might as well suggest that the solution to arson is to stop putting out fires because the fire might get worse if firefighters tried to stop it.

While Macron loves to drone on about "international law" and "human rights," it’s funny how these lofty principles only seem to apply to Israel, a country that strictly follows international law in every regard, while French forces subjugated and colonized a large part of the known world, and still today launch operations in the Sahel and bomb targets in Syria.

When France attacks there’s hardly a whisper of concern from the French President about civilian casualties, but when Israel—surrounded by enemies who openly declare their intention to wipe it off the map—acts to defend itself, Macron suddenly becomes the world’s leading defense attorney for the most evil terrorist groups known to man.

How noble, how convenient, and how great a humanitarian you are for cheering on terrorists to kill innocent Jewish civilians while decrying any attempt by their nation to defend them, something France would do in an instant for its own citizens were it facing the same circumstances as Israel. If hypocrisy were an Olympic sport, Macron would take home the gold​.

This is the same man who sells arms to repressive regimes like Egypt, and looks the other way when it suits its economic interests. Macron is more than happy to supply arms to Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who leads a regime with a horrendous human rights record that includes mass executions, arbitrary arrests, and the brutal suppression of dissent. Macron's France has been more than happy to supply Egypt with warships, fighter jets, and armored vehicles. These weapons have been used for the violent suppression of Egyptian civilians, and yet, Macron thinks he’s in a position to moralize about Israeli operations​

Yet, when Israel buys weapons to defend itself from an onslaught of terrorist rockets, Macron wants to slap an embargo on them. So, selling weapons to dictators is fine, but selling them to a democracy defending itself against terrorism? Quelle horreur! Could Macron be any more of a hypocrite? The answer is no. He has reached peak hypocrisy, and we should all stand in awe.

Macron’s holier-than-thou rhetoric on Israel’s right to self-defense is as flimsy at best, as is his commitment to actually holding terrorists accountable. His words reek of moral cowardice, and his policies—if implemented—would leave Israel more vulnerable to annihilation, not less. The world should see through Macron’s sanctimonious posturing for what it is: a cheap attempt to score political points at the expense of a nation fighting for its very survival.

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Daniel Sadan is an American businessman and President of Sadan Global in Gaithersburg, MD. Daniel's current ventures include a major international sports deal, and the development of two TV series, one being a sports documentary, and the other an epic new project with comparables such as "Game of Thrones," "Homeland," and "The Last Samurai". Daniel brings a unique blend of strategic insight and cultural awareness to his projects, as well as a clear vision, creativity, and discipline.

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