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From Personal Loss to Business Triumph: Daniel Sadan Leads One of DC’s Fastest-Growing Firms

Washington, DC-based Sadan Global, led by Daniel Sadan, is Poised for Explosive Growth, with an Aim to Promote Peace, Stability and Promote Civil Discourse

"Sadan Global is currently negotiating what could be the largest sports deal of its kind, addressing critical issues such as profitability, league competitiveness, youth training, and athlete acquisitions..."

Washington, DC — September 28, 2024Sadan Global, what will soon be one of the fastest-growing companies in Washington, DC, is making waves as it expands into multiple high-stakes negotiations. After a decade spent caring for his father who suffered from early-onset dementia, Daniel Sadan has not only begun to recover from the physical and emotional toll but has emerged stronger than ever before. He has channeled his grief into building a global business with a transformative mission to stabilize volatile regions, particularly in the Middle East, and defend the West from what proves to be an onslaught of radical extremism.

Following his father's death, Daniel embarked on a journey to continue his father’s legacy. He began by playing an unofficial role in facilitating discussions around the Abraham Accords, promoting peace in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This experience opened doors to promoting prosperity as well, by taking on pro bono international trade deals. After many employment and profit sharing offers which he graciously declined, four months ago Daniel decided to begin monetizing his ventures in order to raise capital for his long term goals. Now, Sadan Global is involved in sports, entertainment, real estate, and business deals spanning Hollywood, NYC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Asia.

Transforming Entertainment and Real Estate

In addition to international trade deals, Sadan Global is breaking into the entertainment industry, collaborating with Hollywood figures, including a former Vice President of a major entertainment network. Daniel’s upcoming TV show about the Middle East is currently in development with top-tier talent, and he will soon be in talks to secure distribution.

“Originally, I wanted the show to be about Saudi Arabia’s history over the past 200 years, but after careful consideration and consultation with my Saudi and GCC friends, I decided to focus on other parts of the Middle East for now,” Daniel said. “I have great respect for MBS and the Saudi people, and I would still love to tell their story. I just have to wait until the time is right."

On the real estate front, Daniel is leading an 8- to 9-figure beachfront property deal in Mykonos, a globally renowned destination. “This isn’t just about property—it’s about redefining luxury tourism,” he said. The deal aims to set new standards in hospitality and tourism in one of the most desirable locations in the Mediterranean.

Strategic Growth in the Middle East

Sadan Global has also been invited to participate in electronics, commodities, agriculture, real estate, and infrastructure projects across the Middle East. These projects align with Daniel’s broader goal of contributing to regional stability by building sustainable business models that support local communities and economies.

“The Middle East is undergoing a pivotal transformation, and with Vision 2030 and forward-thinking leadership, the region is poised for growth,” Daniel said. “We’re working with local firms to build the future.”

Major Live Events Spark New Business Opportunities

Daniel’s success has been driven in part by his involvement in high-profile live events focused on Middle Eastern geopolitics, which have attracted influential figures, including politicians, diplomats, journalists, intelligence analysts, and business leaders. Daniel’s events regularly draw congressmen, Capitol Hill staffers, international politicians, campaign managers, defense officials, research fellows, think tank analysts, media executives, producers for major mainstream media TV shows, news anchors, Emmy Award-winning journalists, business leaders, ambassadors, and other diplomats.

One notable event about Iran’s global activities was interrupted by a cyberattack (presumably by the IRGC) during the broadcast. “We restarted the event after it was taken down and continued the conversation, but the attack highlighted how sensitive these topics can be. Apparently, there are real-world ramifications to these events,” Daniel noted. “The speaker's panel was a veritable who’s-who of regime critics, so it’s not surprising that it was targeted.”

Portrait of Mao Zedong against Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Iranian rial and Chinese yuan banknotes, by Alexandr Blinov, Adobe Stock.

The connections Daniel made through these events have translated directly into business success, providing him with a deep network of VIP contacts throughout the world.

On the Verge of a Groundbreaking Sports Deal

Sadan Global is currently negotiating what could be the largest sports deal of its kind, addressing critical issues such as profitability, league competitiveness, youth training, and athlete acquisitions—challenges that have been frustrated by numerous high-profile players turning down massive contracts in the Middle East in 2023 and 2024.

Boxer facing crowd, AI image generated by Sadan Global

“I have a brand-new approach that guarantees massive ROI and a huge positive PR potential,” Daniel said. “This strategy will increase profitability, improve domestic league performance, and provide the type of global exposure and audience crossover that international sports leagues have been craving.”

The potential impact of this deal is enormous, creating hundreds of new jobs, generating significant investment growth, and reshaping the perception of major sports organizations. Daniel has partnered with prominent international sports figures, positioning the deal to transform the industry for decades to come.q

A Radical New Direction: From Liberal Democrat to Reluctant Trump Voter

Daniel’s personal journey isn’t just about business. His mission to fight extremism and preserve the integrity of Western democracy has led him to question his political affiliations. As a lifelong liberal Democrat, he now finds himself reluctantly voting for a Republican Presidential Candidate for the first time. “The rise of figures like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and AOC has turned the Democratic Party into something I simply don't recognize anymore, and cannot endorse,” Daniel said.

“Their support for terrorist organizations and attacks on longstanding, loyal US allies endangers both America’s future and global stability. I just saw a video of a massive crowd in London calling on Americans to reelect Trump, because ‘He’s the only one who can save the West’. I couldn't believe my eyes. I can’t imagine Londoners supporting Trump in 2020, but now after 4 years of disastrous foreign policy by the Democrats which has led to a scary amount of global instability the British seem to have changed their tune. Suddenly, they're no longer joking about 'Big Orange,' and parading giant inflatable balloon floats of Trump down the streets. Now, they are imploring Americans to vote for the very man they were mocking in hopes he can pull the UK back from the edge of the abyss. The world has become increasingly dangerous, and now it seems to me that the Democrats are more of a threat than Trump.

"I was invited to join a secret group of liberals on Twitter who are too afraid to say that they are voting for Trump. How crazy is that?! It's like we live in the Soviet Union or North Korea, where you have to whisper inside your own home, or risk being taken to a gulag.

Soviet Communist Background, by Tryfonov, Adobe Stock

I don't want to see America become a place where I can't voice my opinion out of fear that my career, reputation, or actual freedom could be taken away from me simply for exercising my freedom of speech. What good is the First Amendment if we can't use it? It's not like I'm spreading hate speech or saying crazy things. I'm just trying to have a reasonable conversation.

"Intelligent discourse appears to be dead. The knives come out as soon as you disagree with anyone. How is that healthy for democracy? I'm sure liberal media outlets won't publish this story, even though I'm a liberal Democrat, because it doesn't go along with their narrative, and that's okay. In my opinion, having the courage to speak the truth is important, even (and probably, especially) if it causes you to lose money and public approval. At the end of the day, I want to be able to say that I stood for what was right. My ultimate goal is to prevent the West from spiraling into the same radical extremism that has engulfed parts of the Middle East and Europe,” he added.

A Bold Vision for 2025 and Beyond

Although no deals have been finalized in the first 4 months since he started monetizing his trade deals, Sadan Global is on the verge of multiple successful outcomes. “People only see and believe public results, but they don’t see your invisible 20-hour workdays, your 7-day workweek, the all-nighters, and the constant grind you put yourself through while burning the candle at both ends of the stick,” Daniel noted. “I believe 2025 will be a transformative year for us, and I’m ready for the world to finally see the results of everything I’ve been working so hard to manifest behind the scenes.”

About Sadan Global

Sadan Global is an emerging leader in Washington, DC, focused on sports, entertainment, international business, real estate, and technology. With a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries, the company is rapidly positioning itself as a key player in global markets.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Daniel Sadan
Sadan Global
+1 (240) 780-8205

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